Thursday, August 13, 2009

A real purse!

My first little Buttercup Bag is almost complete.

Look how cute it is turned right side out!

It is finally not so pink, so my fabric choice for my test run is definitely paying off.

Once I stitched the lining and exterior together and turned it right side out I started to wonder - why didn't I tack these pieces together so the lining doesn't shift? It may not be a big deal based on the size of the bag, but will probably end up on my to do list for the next one I make.

The other thing I noticed is the strap. Since it is the last step you will be able to see it attached inside the bag. That bothers me a bit. After all my effort making the bag I would really like more professional looking results.

So another item for my to do list for the next bag - attach the shoulder strap in the process of sewing the lining and exterior together.
But look how cute the bag is! Like a real purse - and I made it! Well, almost, I still have to make and attach the shoulder strap, but I am really liking this bag!


  1. It is looking GREAT!! I concur about the straps, it would drive me crazy with them showing! Awesome job!!
